Download Other Worlds 2 by David Pond-Smith (.ePUB)

Other Worlds 2: The Sci-Fi Adventure Series by David Pond-Smith
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 96 KB
Overview: If you like bold sci-fi adventures, then you are going to love the OTHER WORLDS series. This next step in the story puts you in the very heart of the power struggle to dominate the universe. When cunning nonhuman Mogs invade a ringed planet, the smart move is to get the first starship out of there. Nicky Mars makes his plans, then he collides with the most interest woman on any three worlds. Now caught up in her sweet tangle of thorns, Mars pulls his gun and descends into an underworld of the unexpected, no rules, no limits, no holding back, a forbidden realm of inChanters, alien creatures, corrupt government officials and sudden death. As the evil Mogs grow stronger, Mars must somehow find a way to stop them… before it’s too late.
Genre: Science Fiction


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