Download Orca Soundings series by Melinda Di Lorenzo (.ePUB)

Orca Soundings series by Melinda Di Lorenzo
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Overview: Melinda Di Lorenzo has been writing professionally for more than a decade. In 2013 she won Harlequin’s annual So You Think You Can Write contest, which came with a publishing contract and launched her into the romance world. With a BA in English from Simon Fraser University and a passion for classic love stories that feature strong (albeit sometimes problematic) female leads battling social constraints, Melinda infuses her books with flawed characters in real, relatable situations. Bullied as a teen, Melinda sought refuge in books. She now wants to provide that refuge for others, and she draws on her experience as the parent of three teens to craft stories that reflect modern struggles, without turning those struggles into stereotypes. She is the author of Counting Scars and Racing Hearts in the Orca Soundings line. Melinda lives in Surrey, British Columbia.
Genre: Fiction > YA

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Counting Scars (2022)
When sixteen-year-old Adele Reimer is forced to spend two weeks at a youth reform camp, she has no idea it will lead to a complicated and dangerous love triangle.

With her mother in rehab and her estranged father unable to take immediate custody, Adele’s only goal at the camp is to avoid any trouble. But then Adele meets mysterious Fergus and charming Andy and soon finds herself pulled into a dangerous situation that might end up costing her life. Can Adele both listen to her heart and trust her instincts?

Racing Hearts (2023)
To honor the death of her best friend, teen Sienna signs up to do a triathlon and finds a connection with an unexpected training partner in this body-positive romance exploring first love, grief, perseverance and trusting in yourself.

Five months ago, Sienna Shoring lost her best friend, Stacey, to suicide. Now Sienna’s back at school, struggling—and failing—to find her new place in the social hierarchy. Awkward and alone, Sienna is still dealing with her grief. When a package arrives for the “Try It Triathlon,” which Stacey signed them up for as a joke, it’s like receiving a message from the grave. Sienna has no experience with running or biking. And she doesn’t even own a swimsuit. But she decides to take on the challenge in honor of her best friend, despite being a “fat girl.” And when mysterious jock Blake Romano approaches her unexpectedly and offers to train with her, she can hardly say no. He seems to understand her in a way no one else does. But Blake has a secret that might just break Sienna’s heart, even as he’s winning it.

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