Download Opal Contagion: The Complete series Box Set by Stephanie Fazio (.ePUB)

Opal Contagion: The Complete series Box Set by Stephanie Fazio (#1-3)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 1.5 MB
Overview: This complete set contains all three books in the Opal Contagion series. More than 1,500 pages of fantasy, romance, magic, and nonstop action. Enjoy this bundle that is perfect for fans of Elizabeth Hunter, and Laini Taylor.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


1. Opal Smoke
A thief is the only one who stands between her people and complete annihilation.

Liss is a Soul Sorter who can sense any emotion a person is feeling. She uses this talent to steal jewels and dragonhide wallets to help provide for her people, the Extended. A side benefit of her thieving is that she gets to empty the pockets of the wealthy Lagonians, who shun the Extended for the deadly disease that runs in their veins.

When the Lagonians announce that they’ve developed a source of immunity, they are no longer content to just ostracize the Extended. The Lagonians plan to eradicate them.

The only way for Liss to save her people is if she can pull off her biggest heist yet and steal the secret to the immunity.
What is already a perilous mission is further complicated when Liss falls in love with one of the Lagonians—a man with the most fascinating soul she’s ever sorted. But if she manages to destroy the immunity, he will become infected along with the rest of the Lagonians. Liss faces an impossible choice: give up her people’s only chance of survival…or sentence the man she loves to death by opal contagion.

2. Opal Slayer
The Viper. Caravan Butcher. Opal Slayer.

Rhett Loniger was Lagonia’s chief assassin, tasked with protecting his empire by killing anyone deemed a threat…that is, until he committed a crime worthy of his own execution by falling in love with the enemy. Now, he’s being hunted. But he and Liss can’t evade their enemies when they’re surrounded on all sides.

The cruel emperor of Lagonia is closing in on them, and he isn’t just intent on destroying Rhett. Emperor Jaikon won’t be satisfied until he has dominated all of the kingdoms. With a powerful magical force on Jaikon’s side, Rhett is the only one willing to challenge him. But how does one defeat an invincible foe?

Time is running out before Rhett is torn away from Liss. Only one thing is certain in this deadly game he’s playing. If Rhett wants answers, he’ll have to kill to get them.

3. Opal Storm
With the source of immunity destroyed, the dreaded opal contagion is ravishing the empires.

The most powerful and bloodthirsty warlock in all of Insorsil has taken the throne. His hunger for dominion is rivaled only by the Lagonian emperor’s lust for violence.

The only source of hope lies with a thieving Soul Sorter, a broken former-assassin, and their motley crew of outlaws.

From hidden alleys in magical Insorsil, to an ice-covered land inhabited by giants, Rhett and Liss must battle for their own survival as they try to organize a revolution. But if they don’t find a cure for the opal contagion, the war will be lost before it even begins. As tensions mount, Liss and Rhett will be forced to make choices that could destroy the very people they’re trying to save.

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