Download Oni Fighters series by Natalie Gayle (.ePUB)

Oni Fighters series by Natalie Gayle (#1 & 2)
Requirements: ePUB Reader | 518 kb / 442 kb
Overview: A confessed readaholic and romantic junkie, Natalie spends her time juggling a busy career as an IT professional and author. In between staring at a computer screen Natalie, enjoys living the Gold Coast life with her very tolerant husband and two school aged children.
Genre: Romance

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Brave (#1): A moment in time, that’s all it took. Beauty, pain and tragedy. Xander Pretty Boy Todd was a demon in the ring. A professional MMA fighter with a career that had the world a buzz—but now it’s gone. Or is it? Eden Sommers had her dreams of an international modelling career within her grasp—and lost it. Gone within a few seconds, leaving nothing but pain. How do you go on, when the one thing that defines you is suddenly ripped away—only to leave scars and a hollow shell in its place? Has the beauty gone forever? Or has it just retreated—to now be hidden, and dormant; guarded by the inner demons? Can these two wounded souls find the inner strength to fight back the demons together and find the beauty in their lives once again? To do this, they must first accept—The hardest demons to defeat are the ones inside. They’ll have to be brave.

Believe (#2): Have you ever hit a point in your life where everything looks good from the outside but there’s this feeling deep in your gut that tells you something is wrong? Dane Roberts was just an ordinary guy—so he thought. Best friend to MMA fight sensation Xander Todd, and all round decent guy. But now a restlessness surrounds him. Dare he reach for more? Could he too emulate his best friend’s results in the cage? Arianne Le Flegg was a woman starting over, with her son. Running from a past littered with broken promises, manipulation and violent abuse at the hands of family. Violence terrified her on every level. She longed for an ordinary life—safety for herself and her son. Can there ever be a future for two people who view violence so differently? One embraces it, the other dispels it. One is seeking the extraordinary, the other ordinary. She longs for the type of man he’s trying to leave behind. For there to ever be a future together, they’ll need to dig deep and decide what really is important to each of them. To do this, they must first accept—The hardest demons to defeat are the ones inside. They’ll have to Believe.

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