Download Once Upon (aka Faery) series by Dennis L. McKiernan (.ePUB)+

Once Upon series (aka Faery series) by Dennis L. McKiernan (#4 & 5)
Requirements: ePUB, MOBI Reader | 3.2Mb
Overview: Dennis L. McKiernan was born in Moberly, Missouri, where he lived until he served the U.S. Air Force for four years, stationed within US territory during the Korean War. After military service, he attended the University of Missouri and received a B.S. in electrical engineering in 1958 and an M.S. in the same field from Duke University in 1964. He worked as an engineer at AT&T, initially at Western Electric but soon at Bell Laboratories, from 1958 until 1989. In 1989, after early retirement from engineering, McKiernan began writing on a full-time basis.
Genre: Fantasy

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4. Once Upon A Spring Morn: Although expert with bow and arrow, Princess Celeste welcomes handsome knight Roel’s aid when she is beset by would-be kidnappers one beautiful Springwood morning. This being at heart a romance, the two are instantly smitten. Soon he proposes, and she accepts. Before wedding, however, Roel must find and rescue his sister, Avelaine, and two brothers from the Changeling Lord–in one month, or the Changelings will possess Avelaine forever. The Fates assist the couple (Celeste having joined forces with Roel) en route but can advise them only in riddles. And so they are chased by goblins and ogres, Celeste is imprisoned by a troll, they encounter and are often terribly challenged by the Sphynx, the god Thoth, Cerberus the guardian dog of Hades, Hercules, Jason, Aeneas, and a mob of rotting, walking dead.

5. Once Upon A Dreadful Time: Technically a stand-alone, McKiernan’s solid fifth and final Once Upon fantasy (after 2006’s Once Upon a Spring Morn) focuses on the battle to keep the dreadful witch Hradian and scheming wizard Orbane from despoiling Winterwood, Springwood, Summerwood, Autumnwood and the River of Time itself. After King Valeray and Queen Saissa’s children and their consorts destroy Hradian’s three wicked sisters and take possession of the seasonal lands, Hradian becomes determined to exact revenge. Toward this end, she decides to free the wizard Orbane, whose evil machinations soon exceed even Hradian’s foul desires. Fey allies and the enigmatic guidance of the Fates are required to counter Orbane, and success is far from assured.

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Books 1-3: Here

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