Download Once Upon a Dark Turn by Tana Rose (.ePUB)

Once Upon a Dark Turn (Dark Everafter Book 1) by Tana Rose
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 815 kB
Overview: Once upon a time, my life took a dark turn

Or I guess, my life has been one dark turn after another. But this has got to take the freaking cake. Alone and heartbroken on a romantic weekend I’d planned for my cheating boyfriend, I stumble into a new world. A world where my hair is as long as Rapunzel’s and I’m trapped in a goddamn tower.

There are talking birds, shifters, plants that want to kill me, a curse over the land and an Evil Queen (capital E, capital Q) holding the people hostage and viciously murdering anyone she thinks might be a threat to her crown.

Everyone has been waiting for a princess to save them.

And they seem to think that I might be up for the job.

I hate to disappoint, but I’m an orphan raised in foster care, who swears too much to be polite, prefers Doc Martens to glass slippers, and am in no way a waifish pretty princess.
Genre: Fiction > Romance


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