Download Once Twice Forever by Hanna Holt (.ePUB)

Once Twice Forever (Forester Family #2) by Hanna Holt
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 612 KB
Overview: Noah Prestley has a plan: find a new job, spend more time with his son, move back in with his mother, and don’t, under any circumstance, fall in love. It’s not a particularly good plan, but it’s all he’s got. Enter Willow Forester, the perpetually late, consistently inconsistent not-so-one-night-stand threatening to throw him off course.
Willow has a problem: tired of working dead-end jobs, living with her siblings, and trying to shake her unreliable image, she proposes an idea for her family’s tree farm that would not only give her more responsibility but, more importantly, a firm grip on adulthood. But, with her past creeping up on her, Willow isn’t sure if she can hold on.
After one unexpected evening in the parking lot of a bar, Willow and Noah are forced to navigate life around each other, soon realizing their paths are more tangled together than they could’ve anticipated.
Genre: Fiction > Romance


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