Download On All Fours in the City of Centaurs by R. Woodrose (.ePUB)

On All Fours in the City of Centaurs by R. Woodrose
Requirements: Epub reader, 147 Kb
Overview: The Rite of Dania’s Fire is a sacred ritual that marks the coming of age for all young girls in the village, and declares their availability for marriage. But Adra isn’t interested in being just another housekeeper–she’s only interested in the forbidden pleasures shared by her and her lifelong friend, Kaela.

Fearing that the rite might cause Adra to have a change of heart, and steer her towards finding a male lover, Kaela decides to spy on the secret ritual–which may only be attended by those being initiated.

When she’s discovered by the temple handmaidens, she’s made to partake in the strange trial that Adra must pass to complete the rite.

They’re both sent to Valeholt, the City of Centaurs, where by the sweat and nectar of their love, they must buy their way back home before the light of a single candle burns out.
Genre: Erotic Romance, Lesbian FF


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