Download On Agoraphobia by Graham Caveney (.MP3)

On Agoraphobia by Graham Caveney
Requirements: .MP3 reader, 122.1 MB
Overview: Graham Caveney is someone who suffers from agoraphobia. He began to experience agoraphobia in his twenties and what followed were decades of managing his condition, learning to live within the narrow limits it imposed on his life: no motorways, no shopping centres, limited time outside.

More time spent inside meant more time reading and his quest to understand his condition brought him back to his first love: books. He finds fellow agoraphobics throughout the history of western literature. Caveney is an excellent writer, his previous book The Boy With The Perpetual Nervousness was a beautifully brutal memoir and his writing here is as clear and as nuanced.

“Implosive rather than expansive. Agoraphobes are the ultimate squares, arch conformists.”

If agoraphobia is a mystery to you then Caveney’s book will help you to see the experience of suffering from it.
Genre: Audiobooks > Non-Fiction Psychology & Mental Health


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