Download Of Gates and Grace by Jae George (.ePUB)

Of Gates and Grace: A Pride and Prejudice Variation by Jae George
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 1.4 MB | Version: Retail
Overview: Of Gates and Grace is a light, sweet, very low-angst novella of a little 39,000 words written from a decidedly Christian perspective. When Darcy and Elizabeth meet for the first time – or is it the second? – he mistakes her for a wood nymph.

Excerpt: “Well, are you coming in?” After a pause, the gatekeeper, presumably St. Peter, repeated more slowly as if he was speaking to slow-witted children, “So are you two coming in or staying out there?”

Darcy spoke first, “I don’t think I’m finished yet. I have more that I need to accomplish. My sister isn’t yet married, and…and I don’t have an heir for Pemberley – someone to carry on the Darcy name.”

St. Peter turned and waited for Elizabeth to reply. “I didn’t think I was done either. I mean, I don’t have any great responsibilities to fulfill like Mr. Darcy here, but I thought I would marry and have a family.” The two waiting outside the gates looked at each other before turning back to stare in awe at the gates made of iridescent pearl.

“Very well, take a seat on the bench while you make your decisions.”
Genre: Fiction > Romance


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