Download Oddity Botany by Andrew Karevik (.ePUB)

Oddity Botany by Andrew Karevik
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 416 kb
Overview: As a half-fairy, I could have lived the rest of my days with my winged kin, in a world without strife, pain or any kind of struggle. But my human part yearns for more. It knows deep down that there can be no real growth, no real value to life in the absence of challenges.

And so I make the decision, upon reaching adulthood, to venture into the big world to prove myself and help out however I can. It doesn’t take long for me to stumble upon a small village in a serious state of disrepair, with barely a functioning farm to keep the villagers fed. Pemberton Heights is the name.

That’s where I’ll settle down and get to work my magic.

See, I’m not just any kind of fae, I’m also a skilled Botanist, and as such have the ability to create a vast array of potions that can fix most issues. But I’m afraid I’ll have to start from scratch. Here, I don’t even have a single seed to plant and grow. And I’ll need all sorts of wild strains, as well as the right tools, in order to start experimenting and find the right cures to my new neighbors’ many woes.

Eventually, I’ll also need to open up a shop to advertise my goods, with a backyard to grow my crops, hybridize, isolate and test the heck out of them, to create the perfect brews, balms and elixirs.

But that won’t be easy. As it turns out, there really is something wrong with Pemberton. There’s a problem with the soil, with the water, with the air… Magirot, it is called. It seeps into the land and drains its vitality.

Good. I left home for a challenge and it seems I’ll have my hands more than full. No matter, I know I’m up to the task! On my fairy wings, I’ll do everything in my power to not only help the village grow but put the sad little place on the map!
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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