Download Nova Scotia by Lesley Choyce (.ePUB)

Nova Scotia: Shaped by the Sea: A Living History by Lesley Choyce
Requirements: EPUB Reader, 436 KB
Overview: The history of Nova Scotia is an amazing story of a land & people shaped by the waves, tides, winds, & wonder of the North Atlantic. The first people arrived after the retreat of the glaciers, & over thousands of years the highly civilized Mi’kmaq culture evolved. The arrival of European settlers disrupted their life. Then came the power struggle between France; as England emerged the Victor, the Acadians were driven from the land they loved. The sailors & shipbuilders led the province into a flourishing trade. During WW1, it was again thrust into military activity. At the end of the 20th century, it is unclear whether the way of life along this coast will survive.
Genre: Non Fiction, History


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