Download Norfolk Murder Mysteries Box Set by Anne Penketh (.ePUB)

Norfolk Murder Mysteries Box Set by Anne Penketh (#1-3)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 1.1 MB
Overview: Anne Penketh is originally from Lancashire, but her work as a foreign correspondent took her all over the world before she turned to writing fiction. Anne’s series of murder mysteries featuring DI Sam Clayton allowed her to return to Norfolk where her relatives live.

Anne is currently based in London, but she’s such an inveterate wanderer that she has no idea how long she’ll stay.
Genre: Fiction > Mystery/Thriller


1: Murder On The Marsh
When waitress Emma Dawson disappears, it looks like the police might have a serial killer on their hands. Emma seems to have been part of cultish group obsessed with contacting the dead via a medieval mystic. Then another child disappears. DI Sam Clayton faces a race against time to catch the killer.

2: The Bad Sister
DI Sam Clayton is called to a murder scene in Holt, not expecting to find his estranged sister at the scene. Her husband, Henry Lambton, has been murdered. Meanwhile, vicious arson attacks in Norwich are sparking fear among the locals. The two crimes stretch the team to their limits. But they must pull together and race against time to prevent more attacks and get justice for their loved and not so loved ones.

3: Play Dead
Musician Kristina Manning is impaled by her cello spike. The disgraced conductor is found with his head stuffed in a piano. And a trumpeter dies, poisoned by his mouthpiece. Is there a serial killer with a musical edge on the loose? And what does the disappearance of former orchestra member Lauren Garner have to do with it?

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