Download No Strings Attached by Dante Aaricks (.ePUB)

No Strings Attached by Dante Aaricks
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 0.5 Mb
Overview: Love is in the air! With it comes a collective hunger for the intimacy, and warmth, of another. And in an isolated world, the demand vastly outweighs the supply. Lonely, desperate souls seeking a connection. To share everything that’s inside. Their hopes, worries, and passions burn a bright red. Never once considering what kind of red the other person will take, or how much of it. A darkly twisted tale of longing, desire, and the lengths of depravity. Let Dante Aaricks take you to the underbelly of want. Exploring all of those things we crave, but cannot fulfill. This story will have you considering all of the red inside, and which of it you’d like to keep to yourself.
Genre: Fiction > Erotic


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