Download No Parachute by Arthur Gould Lee (.ePUB)

No Parachute: A Classic Account of War in the Air in WWI by Arthur Gould Lee,
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 11MB
Overview: ‘NO PARACHUTE’ is an exciting find, a uniquely authentic collection of letters written by one of these unknowns, a young pilot with the Royal Flying Corps (RFC) based in France in 1917. Following hot on the event, he recreates breathless dogfights between Sopwith Pups and Albatros fighters, the eerie sensation of flying at hedgerow level in a Sopwith Camel, the bitter cold of high altitudes in an open cockpit, the panic of engine failure behind enemy lines … all in all, among the most vivid anecdotes of air fighting to come out of the First World War.
Genre: Non-Fiction, History, War, Memoir


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