Download Nightmare Girl by Genavie Castle (.ePUB)+

Nightmare Girl by Genavie Castle
Requirements: .ePUB, .MOBI/.AZW reader, 1.5MB | Retail
Overview: Love weighted by secrets is a matter of life and death…


Night after night, she haunts my dreams. A woman I don’t even know. Watching her die in my arms is too much to bear. I can’t sleep. I can’t focus. She is all I think about. She is mine to protect, but I need to find her first, and when I do, I’ll never let her go.


My best friend chides me about my mundane life of school and work. I don’t care. I enjoy my life of monotony. It may not be exciting, but it’s safe and secure – until he shows up. With one look, he’s turned my world on its axis. His intense protectiveness swallows me whole, and I can’t escape him…

A force they can’t explain pulls them close, but perilous secrets threaten them both. As their relationship grows, so does the danger. Lazarus’ nightmares might be coming true. Leighton learns the truth about the man she’s falling for. And if they don’t face their demons, they will lose their chance at happiness…
Genre: Fiction > Romance | Suspense


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