Download New Species series by Laurann Dohner (.MP3)

New Species series by Laurann Dohner (Narrated By Vanessa Chambers)
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Overview: I had a rather short area here telling a little about me but then I had more than a few people ask me to expand it so… here goes. LOL. I’m a full time home ‘supervisor’ which is a nice word for saying I’m a housewife. I’m married happily, I met my dream guy 20 years ago, and we have 4 children. I live in Southern California and I can’t function without iced coffee. I believe in romance, I’ve always been a daydreamer, and I’m a HUGE fan of books, always have been.
Genre: Paranormal Romance

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Fury (Book 1): Ellie is horrified to discover the pharmaceutical company she works for is doing illegal experiments. Company scientists have spliced human and animal DNA, creating exotic new species. One such "experiment" captures her heart and she’ll do anything to save him – even if he hates her for it.
Fury has never known compassion or love. He’s spent his life in a cell, chained and abused by humans. The one woman he allowed himself to trust betrayed him. Now he’s free and set on vengeance. He vows to end her life but when she’s finally in his grasp, harming her is the last thing he wants to do to the sexy little human.
Fury can’t resist Ellie – the touch of her hands, her mouth on his skin, her body wrapped around his. He’s obsessed with the scent of his woman. And Ellie wants Fury – always has. She craves his big, powerful body and wants to heal his desolate heart.
But loving Fury is one thing… taming him is another.

Slade (Book 2): Dr. Trisha Norbit is flat on her back in a hospital bed, pinned under a really big New Species male. Though drugged out of his mind, he promises her ecstasy and is determined to deliver – but hospital staff intervenes. 215 is a man Trisha will never forget. But, when she meets him again at Homeland… he doesn’t even remember her!
The nosy new doctor wants to know all about the breeding habits between humans and Species. Slade proposes a hands-on education but she’s not interested in a one-night stand. He can’t offer more because he’s haunted by the memory of a woman he once tried to claim. He’s shocked when he realizes they are one and the same. He’s blown it – she’ll never give him a chance now.
But, when her life is in danger, he’s the only one who can save her. As they flee through the wilderness, their desire ignites and cannot be denied. Hot sex, on the run, has consequences that are even more dangerous and will change their lives forever.

Valiant (Books 3): Tammy has always tried to be prepared for any calamity life might send her way but she never imagined a sexy, lion man-beast in her future. He’s huge, got the most exotic, golden cat-eyes she’s ever seen, and she’s so terrified she’s speechless for the first time in her life. He’s stalking closer, growling at her, and she’s too terrified to even flee.
Valiant hates humans. But when he gets a whiff of the adorable human female who has invaded his territory, he starts rethinking. Her fear scents of pure, sweet temptation and the closer he gets, the more appealing she becomes. Once he’s got his hands on her, he isn’t about to let her go. One thought will change his life. MINE!
Before Tammy can regain her senses, she’s flat on her back in Valiant’s bed. Now he just has to use every inch of his big, buff body to convince her that she should stay with him forever.

Justice (Book4): Justice North is the face of New Species. Seeing him up close makes Jessie’s heart race. He’s the ultimate alpha male – big, muscular, exotically beautiful… and dangerous. Of course he’s off limits. But then the sexy man purrs and all bets are off. Jessie Dupree is a mouthy, fiery human female who brings out the animal in Justice. She wants to show him how to relax, and he’s all for anything she wants to do, but Justice has sworn to protect his people and to take a Species mate.
He’s torn between the woman he wants and the oath he’s taken. Jessie knows a relationship between them probably won’t end well; heartbreak is inevitable. But that won’t stop her from freeing the wildness inside Justice and spending every moment she can steal wrapped around his hot body, making him roar with passion.

Brawn (Book 5) One look at Brawn, and Becca is wondering how he’d look without his clothes. He’s also instantly attracted to her, but has sworn never to touch a human female. They just aren’t sturdy enough for the type of rough sex Brawn enjoys most. When he learns he’ll be living under the same roof with Becca, Brawn simply sees it as a chance to broaden his knowledge of humans. Hopefully he can do so while keeping his hands off her.…
His good intentions go astray when they’re both kidnapped and locked together in a cage. Brawn finds himself reliving a nightmare when he’s once again subjected to breeding experiments at the hands of New Species’ enemies – who will use Becca to get what they want. Brawn and Becca will have to depend on each other if they hope to survive.

Wrath (Book 6): Wrath volunteers to live and work outside Homeland, where he’ll once again be confined in a small space with other males. He was subjected to horrific abuse and conditioning and forced to view endless sex tapes of human females while chained to Mercile’s perverted machines. Wrath knows he’s too dangerous and emotionally damaged to ever be with a female.
Lauren has just been detained by three big, buff, well-armed men – New Species. One of them really catches her eye. He’s tall, sexy and… her new roommate, apparently. Having never met a man this spectacular, she decides to taste every inch of his amazing body. Wrath is definitely open to that plan. The sex is incredible and he gives her everything she needs – but he’ll only go so far. Something is holding him back.
Lauren has to make him unleash his desire and Wrath has to get past his fear if the couple wants any chance at a future together.

Tiger (Books 7): Zandy’s had too much to drink and is in the wrong place at the wrong time. She knows she’s going to die. When next her eyes open, a beautiful man-creature is holding her in his arms. He’s just too tempting to resist; her very own fallen angel. She wraps herself around his body, determined to have him. But when this angel turns out to be flesh and blood, reality crashes in – she’s seducing a New Species.
Tiger’s shock quickly turns to intense passion when the human female kisses him, despite the fact she’s trying to get his clothes off while he’s engaged in a task force operation. He’s also made it clear he’ll never take a mate. Rather difficult when he and Zandy can’t keep their hands off each other. The taste and feel of his little human just leaves Tiger wanting more.

Shadow (Book 9): Beauty resents being labeled Gift Species. Everyone is way too overprotective, males aren’t even allowed to speak to her and so far, true freedom eludes her. Then a big, sexy Species officer mistakes her for the enemy and takes her down – literally. Shadow is dumbfounded. He has a Gift pinned beneath him – a big no-no. But Beauty is fascinated and wants to know Shadow a lot better. She’s full of newly discovered, unrequited passion and he’s just what she needs to satisfy her curiosity.
For Shadow, sex means pain and loathing. For Beauty, enslavement and ridicule. Two lonely souls who have never known a loving touch, together in a cabin in the woods. Every caress, every discovery brings them closer to a life they never thought possible… beyond even their wildest dreams.

True (Book 11): Jeanie loves a New Species and is willing to pay for that love with pain, tears, and heartbreak. She’ll do anything to keep 710 alive but she never wants him to know how she suffered for him. He’s the reason for her mission in life – freeing others like him.
True has a new life working with the NSO to rescue his people. A good life, until he encounters a dying woman – the female who betrayed him. True should feel gratified that she’s finally going to pay for her crimes, but she claims to be a victim, too. He is still irresistibly drawn to the pretty little human who touched his heart and made him want her. When he clasps her hand to offer comfort, his instincts kick in and True will fight everyone to protect her.

Darkness (Book 12): Kat’s boss wants dirt on the NSO. She is sent to Homeland undercover, but everything goes wrong as soon as she enters the front gates. She is arrested by a big, powerful, sexy New Species but she is not frightened. He turns her on and things heat up fast between them. Now, she just hopes he doesn’t break her heart.
Darkness admires Kat’s courage, but he cannot trust anything she says. He hasn’t been with a female for years because he knows he is too damaged. He is not mate material, despite his desire to possess her in every way. Darkness fears losing control – the one thing that defines his life. He doesn’t think he can tear down the protective walls he’s built, even for her.
Inside Scoop: Kat never realized how much fun handcuffs and dominant males could be until she discovered her kinky side through Darkness’ need for control.

Smiley (Book 13): Vanni is furious when her fiancé tricks her into attending a conference where his father’s church is protesting the New Species Organization. She hates everything those vile bigots stand for. Vanni goes to the bar to cool off and ends up seated next to a handsome New Species. Things heat up fast when they are both drugged.
Smiley doesn’t want to believe the sweet human would dose them with the breeding drug. He’s willing to trust her and determined to save her life. He’ll hold her. Protect her. Offer up his body to distract them both from the pain. She is his female, even if she doesn’t realize it yet.

Numbers (Books 14 & 15): Dana is visiting Homeland when she meets a New Species who tugs at her heartstrings. As a widow, she knows firsthand the pain he’s suffering after losing his mate.
Mourn isn’t so certain that talking to a human female will help him heal, but he desires her. It’s possible she could become his new reason for living.
Candi lost the male she loved but never forgot him. New Species are her only hope to seek revenge for 927’s death.
A human female claiming to have been reared at Mercile has demanded entry to Homeland. Hero rushes to Medical and comes face to face with his past. One look at Candi, and the life he’s built since gaining freedom comes crashing down around him.

Download Instructions:
Fury (Book 1):
Slade (Book 2):
Valiant (Books 3):
Justice (Book4):
Brawn (Book 5)
Wrath (Book 6):
Tiger (Books 7):
Shadow (Book 9):
True (Book 11):
Darkness (Book 12):
Smiley (Book 13):
Numbers (Books 14 & 15):

Fury (Book 1):
Slade (Book 2):
Valiant (Books 3):
Justice (Book4):
Brawn (Book 5)
Wrath (Book 6):
Tiger (Books 7):
Shadow (Book 9):
True (Book 11):
Darkness (Book 12):
Smiley (Book 13):
Numbers (Books 14 & 15):

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