Download New Eden series by Kishore Tipirneni (.ePUB)

New Eden series by Kishore Tipirneni (#1-2)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 1.2MB
Overview: Kishore Tipirneni MD was born in India but moved to the US at the age of 4. He grew up in Columbus Ohio and taught himself computer programming in the 80’s while in high school. After finishing high school, he was accepted into a combined BS/MD program in Akron which allowed him to get his bachelor’s degree and medical degree in 6 years. He did his residency in orthopedic surgery in Detroit and has been a practicing orthopedic surgeon in Phoenix since 1996.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


1. New Eden
After the untimely death of his mentor, Berkeley physicist Joshua Andrews has dedicated himself to finishing his mentor’s life work: creating entangled particles that can communicate faster than light. When scientific journalist Rachael Miller comes to interview him at his lab, they make an astounding discovery, one as ancient as the universe itself.

During the early moments of the Big Bang, entangled particles were created that spread with the expansion of the universe creating a subatomic communication network—a network that Joshua and Rachael have accidentally tapped into.

This discovery sets the pair off on an incredible journey of revelation that profoundly alters the course of human history and redefines the meaning of life itself. Their journey ultimately leads them to a distant planet, New Eden, a genetically engineered paradise designed to be the new home for humanity.

2. The Arachnid
U.S. spy satellites over Asia make a disturbing discovery. An arachnid, an elephant-sized creature created by an alien race, is roaming a forest in North Korea. How did it get there? What is its purpose? Is it a weapon of some kind? When there’s complete radio silence from the North Koreans, and further satellite images show the area around the creature being evacuated, the U.S. decides to send a joint military and scientific team to investigate. The scientific component of the team includes physicist Joshua Andrews, journalist Rachael Miller, and computer expert Vinod Bhakti—the first people to have made first contact with aliens called the petrins many years ago. The petrins are masters of DNA and can create any creature they choose simply by coding the DNA for the organism. Are the petrins behind the appearance of an arachnid on Earth? Should humans reconnect with Seth, the petrin ambassador for Earth, to get answers?

When the team travels to North Korea to find answers, they discover an abandoned North Korean lab containing equipment to conduct genetic engineering. Their mission sets off an incredible, action-packed, and mind-boggling journey of adventure and discovery that leads to nothing less than the purpose for which the cosmos was created. The reason why we all exist . . .

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