Download Nell West & Michael Flint Haunted House series by Sarah Rayne (.ePUB)

Nell West and Michael Flint Haunted House series by Sarah Rayne (#1,5)
Requirements: .ePUB Reader, 1.2 MB
Overview: Sarah Rayne’s first novel was published in 1982, and for several years she juggled writing books with working in property, pounding an elderly typewriter into the small hours in order to meet deadlines. Several years ago Sarah also wrote six contemporary horror books, originally under the pen-name of Frances Gordon and recently re-issued in e-Book format. Her much-loved ‘Wolfking’ fantasy quartet is also being re-issued in e-Book format.
Genre: Horror

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1. Property of a Lady
A house with a sinister past—and a grisly power . . .

When Michael Flint is asked by American friends to look over an old Shropshire house they have unexpectedly inherited, he is reluctant to leave the quiet of his Oxford study. But when he sees Charect House, its uncanny echoes from the past fascinate him—even though it has such a sinister reputation that no one has lived there for almost a century. But it’s not until Michael meets the young widow, Nell West, that the menace within the house wakes . . .

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5. Deadlight Hall
When Michael Flint is asked by a colleague to investigate a reputedly haunted house, he is intrigued. Leo Rosendale’s childhood was blighted by a macabre tragedy in the grim Deadlight Hall – a tragedy that occurred towards the end of World War II, involving a set of twins who vanished. The fate of Sophie and Susannah Reiss was never discovered, and Leo has never been able to forget them.

When Michael, together with his fiancee Nell, begins to explore Deadlight Hall’s history, he discovers that in the 1880s another pair of sisters vanished from the house – and that there may also be much older and darker secrets lurking within its walls.

As Michael and Nell gradually peel back the sinister layers of the Hall’s unhappy past, they are unprepared for the eerie and threatening resonances they encounter – nor for the shocking truth of what took place there one long-ago midnight.

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