Necrovamp series by Brett Hicks (#1-2)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 278+265 KB
Overview: Featuring two very strong, and kick-ass female leads!
A new twist on urban fairy tales!
Fans of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, and Lost Girl will love this!
Original supernatural style, with a lot of real-world elements blended in!
Genre: Fiction > Romance (FF/MM)
Until Dawn (#1)
A cheating and lying girlfriend is only the very tip of my terrible night. My only friend in NYC talks me into meeting him for drinks at a club down near Brighton Beach, a strange one with an even stranger name.
After leaving the insane bar, I am attacked by redcaps and saved by the mysterious and hot redheaded club owner. She feeds me her own blood, and I waken three days later in her club, but now I have fangs and a new craving.
This is only the very tip of the iceberg still. I discover that all the strange things I have seen my entire life, were inhumans, and I was always one of them. I was a born necromancer, and now I am a necrovamp, what happens when a vampire successfully changes a necromancer.
Everything goes to hell, a murdered fae girl threatens to bring her father’s wrath down on the entire city of New York, unless we can prove our innocence and hopefully stop a boatload of nefarious plots in the process!
Hunted Girls (#2)
Thirteen Months After what the press called "The Dawning" Thea Salvo is graduating from the NYPD Police Academy. While her status as a Necrovamp has made her infamous, she has yet to convince the general populace of her worth as a newly-minted officer of the law.
Less than a minute outside her graduation and she is called down to the scene of a grizzly murder. Thea is faced with the visceral hatred the darkest of humans are capable of displaying. With the tenuous peace between Inhumans and humans threatened, she must turn to all her friends and her new allies on the police force to find answers, before civil war breaks out.
What will happen when Thea and Seri come face to face with a familiar foe hiding in the shadows?
What will Thea do when she is the one being hunted?
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Book #1:
Book #2: