Download Necro Device: A Dark Suspense Thriller by Riott Night (.ePUB)

Necro Device: A Dark Suspense Thriller by Riott Night
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 328 KB
Overview: Mary and John Hilt are hired to restore the Mandiev mansion isolated between four surrounding towns. In the past, the Mandiev brothers had a fatal accident which killed hundreds of local citizens. The event marked the beginning of a device that would control its creator and the community for years to come. Mary will soon discover the madness that spawned from its awakening and unravel the deadly secret behind the device. The Necro Device is a mystery, suspense thriller loaded with hidden agenda, multiple twists, and a diabolical plot. It all begins with a betrayal, a machine, and a darker intent…

It has a purpose
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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