Download Nebula by Robert Scanlon (.ePUB)

Nebula by Robert Scanlon (Blood Empire Book 2)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 476 kb
Overview: She brought parts of the galaxy to their knees. Now one mouthy space pirate has become prey…
Indy Jackson has had enough of war politics. After beating rival space fleets into submission and reclaiming a fabled battlecruiser, she refuses to kowtow to the derisive attacks from the military. But when an anonymous terror attack destroys a key space station command, she’s thrust into a power play that could be terminal.

Forced on the run and accused of the horror assault that claimed thousands of lives, Indy ventures into lawless territory to find answers. But instead of gathering support, her reputation threatens to send her to the grave.

Can this fish-out-of-water and her ragtag crew save the entire sector from annihilation?
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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