Download Natural Beekeeping: A beginner’s guide by Temi Odurinde (.ePUB)+

Natural Beekeeping: A beginner’s guide by Temi Odurinde
Requirements: .ePUB, .PDF, .MOBI/.AZW reader, 11 MB
Overview: So you want to start an adventure in natural beekeeping? You have made the right decision. Hundreds of people in the UK, as well as hundreds of thousands more around the world, are starting exactly the same adventure. Natural beekeeping is tremendous fun, a rewarding pastime and can positively impact your health and wellbeing. It promotes biodiversity and could help slowdown the decline of the bee population as well as having a positive impact on the environment. Contrary to misconceptions, beekeeping is not expensive and natural beekeeping is even more affordable. If you manage your hives carefully, surplus honey and other bee products can make natural beekeeping cost-neutral. It may even give you some extra cash! Honey, propolis, beeswax and other products from natural beekeeping are chemical free, hence they command premium prices in the market. Temi Odurinde takes you on an adventure into the world of natural beekeeping. He starts with the simple question: why take up natural beekeeping? He then takes you through the benefits of bees to the natural world, the best hives for your natural beekeeping journey, how to acquire your first swarm of bees free of charge and how to look after them as well as harvest excess honey and other hive products.
Genre: Non-Fiction > General


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