Download Narcissism and Family Law by Dr Supriya McKenna (.ePUB)

style=”flex-grow: 1″> Narcissism and Family Law: A Practitioner’s Guide by Dr Supriya McKenna, Karin Walke
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 3.5 Mb
Overview: Awareness of narcissism and narcissistic behaviour has mushroomed over the past decade. More and more people are being identified as exhibiting a degree of narcissistic behaviour, a rise that may reflect the explosion of social media or simply increased awareness of the problem. So when you encounter a narcissist in divorce proceedings, as inevitably you will, you need to be able to understand how they may behave and how you can better handle matters so that a resolution is not unnecessarily costly. Narcissism & Family Law: A Practitioner s Guide will help you spot when you are dealing with a narcissist, whether they are your client or on the other side, and sets out innumerable practical insights and tips for how you can moderate the effects of their behaviour. Divorce cases involving narcissists can often get messy, combative and costly so the advice set out in these pages could save you and your client days of angst and unrewarding effort. Drawing on the combined expertise and experience of Dr Supriya McKenna, a GP turned specialist coach and mentor and who focuses on supporting people separating from a narcissist, and Karin Walker, one of the country’s leading family law practitioners, it is essential reading for all family lawyers, mediators and other advisers on the front line of practice.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Health, Fitness & Self-help > Family & Relationships


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