Download Nano by Melody Mounier (.ePUB) (.MOBI)

Nano by Melody Mounier
Requirements: ePUB MOBI Reader, 961 Kb
Overview: I didn’t let myself reflect too deeply on the things I’d done to the girl in back. She got what she deserved, I told myself. Everything I’d done to her she’d done to other women, once. I took another gulp of water to wash the bad taste out of my mouth.
I’d been doing nano long enough that I no longer had what other people called feelings. You do nano long enough, emotions don’t seem real anymore, and after awhile they become irrelevant. People tend to use behavioral nano sparingly, to improve themselves – to become more honest, or to have a higher sex drive, or acquire more confidence. It was expensive stuff, and tricky. It took an artist to craft the little ‘bots software.
Certain jobs require extensive use of the stuff. Soldiers and prostitutes practically ate it for breakfast, actors depended on the stuff, and of course there were abusers lying in prisons or asylums or on the street. That last problem was rare – it was hundred times as expensive as coke. Sane, sober people took it maybe two or three times in their life, and generally for the right reasons.
I guess I was an actor of sorts. I was the rapist, or the doctor, or the father figure. Anything to get the client. It had taken its toll.
Genre: Sci Fi Erotic Romance


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