Download Mystery Babylon: The Gazelle by Jamie Lee Grey (.ePUB)

Mystery Babylon: The Gazelle by Jamie Lee Grey (Mystery Babylon 5)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 300 kb
Overview: Danger grows and threatens the entire world.
Following the nuclear war, Austin Martin struggles to adjust to his new role on the tiny Alaskan island. He receives good news about his family, but it triggers dissent and confrontation in the community. Will he be able to unite the group, or will he need to leave? And what will Sierra Forester do when he makes his decision?

Meanwhile, Russian Major General Ivan Orlov returns to work in Siberia. His country has suffered terribly from the war, but its military remains strong. Leaders gather to debate securing Alaska now, or moving into the Middle East while the global balance of power is unstable. Which direction will they go?

In Israel, Wu Ying is arrested for allegedly providing false information on his application for asylum. Will he be able to negotiate his freedom, or will he be jailed – or worse, sent back to China?
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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