Download Mysteries of the Middle Ages by Thomas Cahill (.MP3)

Mysteries of the Middle Ages by Thomas Cahill
Requirements: .MP3 reader, 284 MB
Overview: From the bestselling author, a fascinating look at how medieval thinkers created the origins of modern intellectual movements.After the long period of cultural decline known as the Dark Ages, Europe experienced a rebirth of scholarship, art, literature, philosophy, and science and began to develop a vision of Western society that remains at the heart of Western civilization today.On visits to the great cities of Europe – monumental Rome; the intellectually explosive Paris of Peter Abelard and Thomas Aquinas; the hotbed of scientific study that was Oxford; and the incomparable Florence of Dante and Giotto – Cahill brilliantly captures the spirit of experimentation, the colorful pageantry, and the passionate pursuit of knowledge that built the foundations for the modern world.
Genre: Audiobooks > Non-Fiction


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