Download My Immortal by Tara Gilesbie (.ePUB)(.MOBI)

My Immortal by Tara Gilesbie
Requirements: Epub reader/Mobi reader, 446 Kb
Overview: Enoby, a self-proclaimed goth and a vampire, falls in love with another vampire who goes by the name of “Satan.” However, their relationship is not all its cracked up to be…

The story follows Ebony Way as she forms a romantic attachment to Draco Malfoy (an elegant Goth in this story), in spite of her concern that he has had a relationship with Harry “Vampire” Potter and may still be interested in him. Voldemort, claiming to know of Ebony’s relationship with Draco through “telekinesis”, commands her to kill Harry. Various people including Hagrid and someone called “Snaketail” confess that they love Ebony, while Snape and Remus are “pedofiles” who take pictures of her. Ebony begins to have precognitive visions, which are later verified. Prof. Sinister tells Ebony that if Voldemort had ever had people who loved him he would not have become evil, so Ebony’s task is to go back in time and seduce him.
Genre: Fantasy, Young Adult, Romance


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