Download My Holiday Love by Reba Bale (.ePUB)

My Holiday Love by Reba Bale (Friends to Lovers Contemporary Lesbian Romance Book 7)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 202 kB
Overview: Her new roommate is down on her luck…and easy on the eyes.

When Ashley’s roommate moves out unexpectedly, she needs to find a new one fast. There’s no way she can afford Seattle rent by herself on a receptionist’s salary, so when her friend recommends the new barista at their local coffee shop, Ashley jumps at the opportunity.

Hannah is new in town. She’s looking for a fresh start after getting fired, dumped, and evicted all in one week. By a stroke of luck, she lands a job and an apartment in one visit to the funky little coffee shop she visits to use the free Wi-Fi.

She and Ashley could not be more different, but they seem to click anyway. When the friends and roommates realize neither of them has anywhere to go for the holidays, they decide to make their own Christmas right in the comfort of their apartment. When a little too much eggnog leads to a passionate kiss in front of the Christmas tree, suddenly these friends are seeing each other in a brand new light.

Can they move past their differences to find forever? Or will their relationship be as temporary as the holiday season?
Genre: Fiction > Romance FF


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