Download Murderous Matrimony by Joyce & Jim Lavene (.ePUB)

Murderous Matrimony by Joyce & Jim Lavene (A Renaissance Faire Mystery #6)
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 258kb
Overview: In less than two short weeks, Jessie Morton will marry Chase Manhattan at the Renaissance Faire Village and Marketplace. But so much can go wrong in that short time. A man is murdered in Jessie’s new Arts and Crafts Museum and her assistant is being scrutinized for the deed. Chase’s brother and parents have arrived and are still against their marriage. Wanda’s ghost is busy making Jessie’s life miserable. The Ren Faire wedding of her dreams may never take place. Can she talk Chase into eloping before it’s too late?
Genre: Cozy Mystery


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Book 3: viewtopic.php?f=1294&t=144267
Booke 1-2 & 4-5: viewtopic.php?f=1294&t=119858

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