Download Murder and Meringue Cake by Rosie A. Point (.ePUB)

Murder and Meringue Cake by Rosie A. Point (Bite-sized Bakery Cozy Mystery #4)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 305 KB
Overview: Birthday parties can be murder…

Ruby Holmes has never been a huge fan of birthdays, particularly not her own. But Bee, her partner in baking and best friend, has decided that she’s throwing Ruby a surprise party. It’s their last few weeks in Carmel Springs, Maine, and they’re going out with a bang.

When Ruby enters the darkened guesthouse, the last thing she expects is all her friends yelling ‘surprise!’ She’s delighted until the lights click on to reveal the dead body of Ruby’s sworn enemy lying in a pile of her birthday presents.

Can she solve the mystery of the birthday killer before she takes the fall for the crime?
Genre: Fiction > Mystery/Thriller


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