Download Moon Crossed by McKenzie Hunter (.MP3)

Moon Crossed by McKenzie Hunter (The first book in the Sky Brooks World: Ethan series)
Requirements: .MP3 reader, 238 mb
Overview: Skylar barely understands what she is, and her introduction to the supernatural world is terrifying. In her eyes, werewolves are no different than the vampires who killed her mother. As the vampires’ efforts to capture her grow bolder, she reluctantly accepts the Midwest Pack’s assistance. Ethan soon discovers Skylar is more than she seems—a werewolf who can wield magic in previously unknown and dangerous ways. The list of Skylar’s enemies grows, and some in the pack want to kill her to prevent a larger catastrophe. Will Ethan risk the lives of his brother and packmates to protect a woman he doesn’t know?
Genre: – > Urban Fantasy


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