Download Monsters in a Bar by Scott Hughey, CC Dowling (.ePUB)

Monsters in a Bar by Scott Hughey, CC Dowling
Requirements: .ePUB Reader | 255 kb
Overview: A vampire, a werewolf, and a zombie walk into a bar. Hilarity, and possibly tragedy, ensues.
This is a collection of two lighthearted fantasy stories by Scott Hughey, and a bonus story co-authored by Scott Hughey and CC Dowling. From vampires and zombies, to an empowering fairy tale, and on to Monkey deities and Egyptian Mythology, this collection of fantasy short story comedies is sure to entertain.
Genre: Fantasy


Monsters in a Bar: The bartender has to cater to supernatural beings, but he doesn’t have to like it. He just hopes Eddie the bouncer shows up in time.

Monkey Qi, Monkey Do: A new Egyptian fairy tale, featuring Monkey.

Not All Beanstalks Grow Up:
Jack hasn’t been seen in forever, and the giants aren’t happy. What is Jill going to do about it?

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