Anthology of Modern Japanese Poetry by Edith Marcombe Shiffert, Yuki Sawa (Translators)
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 2.6MB
Overview: A collection of works by 49 acclaimed poets skilled in the styles of colloquial free verse, modern tanka, and haunting haiku.
Genre: Poetry
—Over the Paving Stones
Oh sad, flower petals drift down,
onto the young girls flower petals drift down,
young girls quietly talking as they walk,
the sound of serene footsteps drifting into the sky,
occasionally raising their eyes
they pass by the springtime in a shadeless temple garden.
The tiled roof of the temple has turned green
and at each of its eaves
the wind bells are hanging silent while
being alone
I let my own shadow walk over the paving stones.
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