Download Modern Irish: A Comprehensive Grammar by Nancy Stenson (.ePUB)

Modern Irish: A Comprehensive Grammar (Routledge Comprehensive Grammars) by Nancy Stenson
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 607.2 KB
Overview: Modern Irish: A Comprehensive Grammar is a complete reference guide to modern Irish grammar, providing a thorough overview of the language.
A Comprehensive Grammar is an essential reference source for the learner and user of Irish. It is ideal for use in schools, colleges, universities, and adult classes of all types.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Educational > Language


Key features include:

– highly systematic coverage of all levels of structure: sound system, word formation, sentence construction and connection of sentences
– authentic examples and English translations which provide an accessible insight into the mechanics of the language
– an extensive index, numbered sections, cross-references and summary charts which provide readers with easy access to the information.

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