Download Modern Alpha Male Mindset Strategies by Damien Blake (.ePUB)+

Modern Alpha Male Mindset Strategies: Build Confidence, Stop Pleasing People, and Gain the Power of Discipline to Become an Assertive, Influential Leader by Damien Blake
Requirements: .ePUB, .PDF, .MOBI/.AZW reader, 5mb
Overview: Tired of being at the bottom of the “food chain”? Women, money, success… Do you ever feel like you have fallen behind whilst some other guys seem to have it all? Are you damn frustrated and feel like some major changes are overdue? Then keep reading..

When an alpha enters the room – he commands respect and asserts authority. The world stays silent when he speaks and everyone values his opinion. He does not chase women, yet they are always flirty around him… Other men envy him, yet they treat him with the utmost respect… He seems to get whatever he wants!

What the hell? Was he born that way? The simple answer is NO. You too have the potential to be that charismatic, smooth-talking, radiant with confidence guy. Being an Alpha Male is not a birthright – it is simply a way of life!

Latest research shows that most men want to live as alphas – after all, alpha is the guy who gets the car, the girl, the promotion and whatever the hell else he wants.. However, 63% of males will never be able to achieve the alpha lifestyle. You are one lucky 37 per-cent-er as you are holding this book!.

This is not a book of outdated pick-up lines and manipulative techniques. Using those would be the equivalent of using a band-aid on a broken leg – you need long-term solutions.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Faith, Beliefs & Philosophy


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