Download Mithgar Series by Dennis L. McKiernan (.ePUB)(.MOBI)

Mithgar Series by Dennis L. McKiernan (Books 1,14,16)
Requirements: EPUB/MOBI Reader, 6.4 MB
Overview: McKiernan was born in Moberly, Missouri, where he lived until he served the U.S. Air Force for four years, stationed within US territory during the Korean War. After military service, he attended the University of Missouri and received a B.S. in electrical engineering in 1958 and an M.S. in the same field from Duke University in 1964. He worked as an engineer at AT&T, initially at Western Electric but soon at Bell Laboratories, from 1958 until 1989. In 1989, after early retirement from engineering, McKiernan began writing on a full-time basis.
Genre: Fantasy


1. The Dragonstone
Welcome to Mithgar, Dennis L. McKiernan’s classic bestselling fantasy series of adventure where legends are forged in the fires of sorcery….
For as long as she can remember, the Elven Lady Arin has been besieged by visions from the past—or the future. But none has ever left her so shaken as the one that foretells the fall of Mithgar: images of raging dragons and brutal legions laying waste to everything in their path signifying a devastating war that will threaten the land.
There is more to the prophecy than a warning—riddles within the vision that Arin must decipher if she is to prevent the forthcoming destruction. And it will take a journey across countless leagues—connected to a relic of immense power known as the Dragonstone—to find the answers to Mithgar’s salvation….

14. The Eye of the Hunter
A thousand years had passed since the Eye of the Hunter last glared in the heavens. A thousand years since the immortal Elfess Riatha brought word of the prophecy to the Warrows Tomlin and Petal with whom she had leagued to hunt down and defeat Baron Stoke, one of the most evil beings to ever stalk the lands of Mithgar. The price of Stoke’s doom had been a beloved companion’s life, the two plunging, locked in combat, down an icy chasm which had sealed shut the ring of eternity. Now the comet known as the Eye of the Hunter again rode Mithgar’s skies, and the creatures of darkness once again ravaged the lands, heralding the imminent return of their dread master, Baron Stoke. And now five brave souls must answer the call of prophecy: Riatha and the Elf called Aravan; Gwylly and Faeril, last in a long line of Firstborn Warrow descendants of Tomlin and Petal; and one other, one restored to them from Death’s chill grasp…

16. City of Jade
The myth of a lost city carved of precious jade has proven irresistible to many in Mithgar. Now Aravan, captain of the Elven ship Eroean, has undertaken a quest to find it. With his true love Aylis, the Magekind Seeress, beside him and a crew of men and dwarves, he sets sail to follow the lure of legend.
The journey will be long and perilous—and the voyagers will find more than treasure awaiting them in the City of Jade. They will find dark sorcery and great danger, and some among them will find death.

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Book 5: viewtopic.php?f=1293&t=787293&hilit=McKiernan
Book 6: viewtopic.php?f=1293&t=801388&hilit=McKiernan
Book 11: viewtopic.php?f=1293&t=871587&hilit=McKiernan

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