Download Missing Pieces by Meredith Tate (.ePUB) (.MOBI)

Missing Pieces by Meredith Tate
Requirements: .ePUB, .MOBI/.AZW reader, 2.8 MB
Overview: Trace Bailey’s mouth is her worst enemy – somehow it always gets her in trouble. Luckily, she has a partner in crime – her best friend and neighbor since age seven, Piren Allston. He can’t get enough of her crazy sense of humor, and she loves that he’s always up for another adventure. They can’t be friends, though, not in their world. Trace and Piren were Assigned to other people at the age of six, and they’re supposed to marry their Partners when they turn twenty-four. Failure to comply leads to Banishment, a fate worse than death. Worse still is the growing realization that their bond is stronger than just friendship. In a world without freedom, there are still choices to be made. Following their hearts means losing their family, but following the law means losing each other. Forever.
Genre: Fiction > Children/Young Adult Dystopia


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