Download Miller’s Crossing: Complete Box Set by David Clark (.ePUB)

Miller’s Crossing: Complete Box Set by David Clark (#0.5,1-3)
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Overview: There are six known places in the world that are more paranormal than anywhere else. The Vatican has taken care to assign "sensitives" and "keepers" to each of those to protect the realm of the living from the realm of the dead. With the colonization of the New World, a seventh location has been found, and it is time for a new recruit.This is the story of the family selected to be "keepers" of Miller’s Crossing. The Miller’s Crossing series is an international best selling paranormal thriller. If you enjoy deep characters, with historically based stories, and enough chils to keep you up at night, then read this complete box set.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


Prequel – The Origins of Miller’s Crossing

There are six known places in the world that are more paranormal than anywhere else. The Vatican has taken care to assign "sensitives" and "keepers" to each of those to protect the realm of the living from the realm of the dead. With the colonization of the New World, a seventh location has been found, and it is time for a new recruit.

William Miller is a simple farmer in the 18th century coastal town of St. Margaret’s Hope Scotland. His life is ordinary and mundane, mostly. He does possess one unique skill. He sees ghosts.

A chance discovery of his special ability exposes him to an organization that needs people like him. An offer is made, he can stay an ordinary farmer, or come to the Vatican for training to join a league of "sensitives" and "keepers" to watch over and care for the areas where the realm of the living and the dead interaction. Will he turn it down, or will he accept and prove he has what it takes to become one of the true legends of their order? It is a decision that can’t be made lightly, as there is a cost to pay for generations to come.

Book 1 – The Ghosts of Miller’s Crossing

Ghosts and demons openly wander around the small town of Miller’s Crossing. To keep the peace, 250 years ago a family was assigned to be "keepers" to protect the realm of the living from their "visitors". There is just one problem. No one told Edward Meyer that responsibility has now fallen to him.

Tragedy struck Edward twice. The first robbed him of his childhood and the truth behind who and what he is. The second, cost him his wife, sending him back to Miller’s Crossing to start over with his two children.

What he finds when he returns is anything but what he expected. He is thrust into a world that is shocking and mysterious, while also answering and great many questions. With the help of two old friends, he rediscovers who and what he is, but he also discovers another truth, a dark truth. The truth behind the very tragedy that took so much from him. Edward faces a choice. Stay, and take his place in what destiny had planned for him,or run, leaving it and his family’s legacy behind.

Book 2 – The Demon of Miller’s Crossing

The people of Miller’s Crossing believed the worst of the "Dark Period" they had suffered through was behind them, and life had returned to normal. Or, as normal as life can be in a place where it is normal to see ghosts walking around. What they didn’t know was the evil entity that tormented them was merely lying in wait.

After a period of thirty dark years, Miller’s Crossing had now enjoyed eight years of peace and calm, allowing the scars of the past to heal. What no one realizes is under the surface the evil entity that caused their pain and suffering is just waiting to rip those wounds open again. Its instrument for destruction will be an unexpected, familiar, and powerful force in the community.

Book 3 – The Exorcism of Miller’s Crossing

The “Dark Period” the people of Miller’s Crossing suffered through before was nothing compared to life as a hostage to a malevolent demon that is after revenge. Worst of all, those assigned to protect them from such evils are not only helpless, but they are tools in the creatures plan. Extreme measures will be needed, but at what cost.

The rest of the “keepers” from the remaining 6 paranormal places in the world are called in to help free the people of Miller’s Crossing from a demon that has exacted its revenge on the very family assigned to protect them. Action must be taken to avoid losing the town, and allowing the world of the dead to roam free to take over the dominion of the living. This demon took Edward’s parents from him while he was a child. What will it take now?

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