Download Military Men series by Shelley Munro (.ePUB)

Military Men series by Shelley Munro (Books 1 & 2)
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Overview: Shelley lives in Auckland, New Zealand with her husband and a rambunctious puppy.
Typical New Zealanders, Shelley and her husband left home for their big OE soon after they married (translation of New Zealand speak – big overseas experience). A year long adventure lengthened to six years of roaming the world. Enduring memories include being almost sat on by a mountain gorilla in Rwanda, lazing on white sandy beaches in India, whale watching in Alaska, searching for leprechauns in Ireland, and dealing with ghosts in an English pub.
While travel is still a big attraction, these days Shelley is most likely found in front of her computer following another love – that of writing stories of romance and adventure. Other interests include watching rugby and rugby league (strictly for research purposes), being walked by the dog, and curling up with a good book.
Genre: Romance


Innocent Next Door #1: Adventure is Summer William’s mission!
Life in a small town is comfortable, but living with her loving and overprotective family means it lacks adventure. And forget romance with two interfering army brothers around. It’s time to leave the cozy nest. Her grandiose plans come to a grinding halt when she becomes innocently involved with a crime boss, then she bumps heads and lips with her uncle’s sexy but very bossy neighbor.
Special Air Services soldier Nikolai Tarei owes his neighbor a favor, but looking out for his twenty-two year old niece is stretching friendship too far. She’s a virgin and her sex appeal, sassiness and brazen disregard for safety have Nikolai scrambling to protect both her and his battered heart.
Summer is a librarian who’s a whiz at research. Now she’s ready to try out the sex toys and sexual positions she’s researched. The woman is tying Nikolai in sensual knots and driving him crazy—in and out of bed. But he’s enjoying the journey, and suddenly he’s thinking about making his Summer babysitting assignment a full time commitment—if only he can persuade her to see things his way.

Soldier With Benefits #2: Joanna “Mac” McGregor loves her father, and she’ll do anything to keep him safe after Alzheimer’s starts to steal his mind. That takes money, and Mac uses her only skills—those of soldiering—when she takes up a security contract to protect VIPs in Iraq. She doesn’t have time for men, her last vacation fling in Fiji relegated as one perfect moment to hold close during the grim reality of war.
Soldier and protector, Louie Lithgow is tired of fighting—the constant danger—and has decided this is his last contract. He wants to retire, sink his savings into a place on the beach, and find the sexy Joanna, his holiday lover.
Mac’s arrival in Iraq causes consternation. They’ve both been economical with the truth, but the attraction sizzling between them flares hot and bright. They embark on a clandestine affair—professional and confident during their high-danger day, passionate with the release of emotional stress during their torrid nights. One thing is clear—they have different goals and the future is both murky and dangerous…if they survive their contracts.

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