Download Midchester Memories Series by Sally Quilford (.ePUB)

Midchester Memories Series by Sally Quilford (#1-3,5)
Requirements: EPUB Reader, 667 KB
Overview: Sally Quilford has had stories published in most of the major women’s magazines, and had seven pocket novels (to date) published My Weekly Pocket Novels. They have subsequently been sold to Ulverscroft Publishings Linford Romance Library, for large print publication. She has also won and been placed in many competitions. As well as running a popular competition calendar (linked to her column in Writers’ Forum magazine) Sally has judged writing competitions.
Genre: Fiction, Romantic Suspense

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#1 – True Love Ways
Midsomer Murders meets The Darling Buds of May, with the rock ‘n’ roll soundtrack of Heartbeat (but this being an ebook you can’t actually hear the music so you’ll just have to hum it yourself). Murder, sexy vicars, strawberry picking and Teddy Boys. It’s got it all – plus some other bits.
It’s 1959 and Meredith longs to be an amateur sleuth like her Aunty Peg. She gets her chance when an elderly ex-policeman is murdered on the train to Midchester. Which of the passengers in her carriage has a reason to silence the old man? She hopes it isn’t handsome ‘rock n roll’ vicar, Drew Cunningham, who seems intent on staying by her side, as her self-appointed mentor. Should a vicar be capable of such devilish kisses? As Meredith learns the hard way that not everyone just blurts out their secrets to an amateur, she begins to fall in love. She also moves closer to the chilling truth; that true love can make devils out of us all. True Love Ways is a gentle romance and murder mystery that can be read in one sitting, whilst you’re enjoying the sunshine – unless you live in Britain, in which case, it’s something you can read curled up in the house when it’s raining yet again

#2 – The Ghost of Christmas Past
The Ghost of Christmas Past is a Dickensian murder mystery, featuring a cast of Dickensian characters, and set in Victorian Midchester during a Dickensian Christmas. When a man is murdered in bizarre circumstances, the villagers are enthralled. Even vicar’s daughter, Elizabeth Dearheart is fascinated, though whether with the details of the murder or the sudden appearance of the handsome Liam Doubleday she does not even want to admit to herself. But even Liam has his secrets.
An escaped mental patient; a crotchety titled Lady and her grudging step-daughter; two ghoulish sisters; a charming man and his beautiful sister; a kindly reverend; the new doctor and his wife, and two young boys eager to become sleuths. All are involved in the mystery that threatens to unearth secrets that someone in Midchester might just prefer to keep buried in the past.

#3 – Mistletoe Mystery
Out of work actress, Philly, struggles to keep Bedlington Hall maintained. Along with her best friends, Puck and Meg, she has the idea of running murder mystery weekends to raise money. The weekends aren’t going too well until Puck’s sister, Rachel, gives them a slot on her local news station. Suddenly everyone wants to attend the Christmas murder mystery weekend, including gorgeous American, Matt Cassell. Philly adores his kisses, but can she trust him?

#5 – Bonfire Memories
In 1960s Britain not everyone was as swinging as Carnaby Street! And in middle England, strange events are stirring up memories of murder! What will happen to the young journalist Cara when she starts unearthing old passions – and events from her past come back to haunt her?

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