Download Matthew Bartholomew series by Susanna Gregory (.ePUB)

Matthew Bartholomew series by Susanna Gregory (books #9 – #12)
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Overview: Susanna Gregory is the pseudonym of Elizabeth Cruwys, a Cambridge academic who was previously a coroner’s officer. She writes detective fiction, and is noted for her series of mediaeval mysteries featuring Matthew Bartholomew, a teacher of medicine and investigator of murders in 14th-century Cambridge.
Genre: Mystery/Thriller

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A Killer in Winter (Matthew Bartholomew #9)
Christmas approaches in 1354 and the town is gripped by the worst blizzards in living memory. The weather has trapped many travellers in the town, including Matthew’s erstwhile love, Philippa, and her wealthy husband. In some ways he is relieved to accept Brother Michael’s orders to identify a man found dead in a nearby church. However, it soon comes to light that the man was Philippa’s husband’s servant, and soon her husband himself is found dead. Was it an accident, or a more sinister death?

The Hand of Justice (Matthew Bartholomew #10)
In Cambridge in 1355, the colleges of the fledgling university are as much at odds with each other as they are with the ordinary townsfolk. This tension has recently been heightened by the return of two well-born murderers after receiving the King’s pardon, showing no remorse but ready to confront those who helped convict them. And in the midst of this, Bartholomew the physician is called to the local mill to examine two corpses. It is almost a relief to be able to turn his back on the fractious town, but as always in Cambridge, everything is connected.

The Mark of a Murderer (Matthew Bartholomew #11)
It is February 1355, and Oxford has exploded in one of the most serious riots of its turbulent history. Fearing for their lives, the scholars flee the city, and some choose the University at Cambridge as their refuge. They don’t remain safe for long, however—within hours of their arrival, two people have died. When Bartholomew and Brother Michael investigate the deaths, they uncover evidence that the Oxford riot was part of a carefully orchestrated plot. With the Archbishop of Canterbury about to honor Cambridge with a visitation, and a close colleague accused of a series of murders that Bartholomew is certain he didn’t commit, the race is on to bring a ruthless killer to justice.

The Tarnished Chalice (Matthew Bartholomew #12)
In 1356, on a bitter winter evening, Matthew Bartholomew and Brother Michael arrive in Lincoln—Michael to accept an honor from the cathedral, and Bartholomew to look for the woman he wants to wed. It is not long before they learn that the friary in which they are staying is not the safe haven they imagine—one guest has already been murdered. It emerges that the dead man was holding the Hugh Chalice, a Lincoln relic with a curiously bloody history. Bartholomew and Michael are soon drawn into a web of murder, lies, and intrigue in a city where neither knows who can be trusted.

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Books 1-4 here: viewtopic.php?f=1294&t=557344&hilit=Susanna+Gregory
Books 13-19 here: viewtopic.php?f=1294&t=791153&hilit=Susanna+Gregory

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