Download Math Basics Made Easy by Steve Slavin, et al (.ePUB)

Math Basics Made Easy: Teach Yourself How to Add, Subtract, Multiply and Divide by Steve Slavin, Ginny Crisonino
Requirements: Epub Reader, 5 MB
Overview: Theres an unspoken weak spot in our society most adults cant do basic math.

A recent U.S. Department of Education study found that American adults are largely unable to calculate tips, understand their mortgage payments, or even figure out their weekly salary when told their hourly wage.

Though we live in a world where numbers, percentages and statistics are tossed at us daily a world that expects us to make sense of these figures 87% of American adults are deemed non-proficient at math, according to a recent Education Department study.

But there is hope. As the scope of this problem has become more publicized, community colleges have moved in to help, offering courses to help adults gain math proficiency. And programs and books have been created to address the issue,

Still, most adults need to start their math journey is back at the beginning, and few resources have been developed to address the earliest math skills.

Singing Turtle Press, publisher of the award-winning Algebra Survival Guide, is coming to the rescue, though, with a new book that helps adults master foundational math concepts. Math Basics Made Easy, a new offering in eBook format, teaches adults the four fundamental math operations: adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing.
Genre: Non Fiction , Science


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