Download Master of Dragons by Angela Knight (.ePUB)

Master of Dragons by Angela Knight (Mageverse #5)
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 256 KB
Overview: In her youth, fairy princess Nineva Morrow engaged in magic, and evil forces rendered her an orphan—isolated and incapable of trusting in anyone’s survival. But after years of hiding on Earth, she attracts attention with her powers once more—from more knights than she can handle.

Now, at the center of a rebellious Mageverse noble’s plot and helplessly dominated by a powerful, body-possessing spirit, Nineva’s only hope is the smoldering dragon knight, Kel. This renegade of Arthur’s court has enough desire to burn down every door to her heart—if the surrounding forces of King Llyr would subside long enough to let him.

The survival of the Mageverse hangs in a passionate balance of entitlement and pleasure, with destruction threatening to bring an entire magical universe to its knees.
Genre: Paranormal Romance


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