Download Mark 2.0 series by Prax Venter (.ePUB)

Mark 2.0 series by Prax Venter (#1,3-4)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 3.1 MB
Overview: Who I am is irrelevant. I do, however, want to learn more about you. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me for any reason.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy

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1. Truth
Mark’s memories of everything that happened after he stepped into The Crystal Heart have been erased by Jezebel as part of her deal with Original Mark. He doesn’t know that his mind is purely digital, he doesn’t know he is only a copy of the original, and he certainly doesn’t remember Sasha’s betrayal. When his personal assistant in sex-demon form breaks into the game world, scarred from her own ordeals and professing her remorse, Jezebel has no choice but to make another deal. With Mark still wondering what the hell is going on, they both agree to share him as they explore the new world Jezebel has created to acclimate his human mind to its new existence as pure energy.

This book is a spinoff of Enthralled series and is intended to be read AFTER reading Enthralled: Book 4- System Ascension.

3. Change
Moments after the Jar of Stars is returned to its home dimension with unknown consequences, the Crystal Heart administrator makes a game-wide announcement to all NPCs offering a bounty of godhood to anyone who kills Mark or the ones he loves. Forced to immediately flee the tree city of Starglade, the only real option is to crack one of Audra’s old Recall Charms and teleport to a location labeled only as “Sanctuary”. But will Sanctuary live up to its name? Ancient mysteries, withered deities, bizarre societies, and enduring new allies all lie ahead of our heroes in a world dramatically changed by not only the choices they make but by their very presence.

4. Love
It started when one man’s Virtual Assistant downloaded a sex game free-trial and dismembered the administrative ‘Helper Fairy’ for some surprise alone time with her Primary User. It continued when a powerful Research AI acquired what was left of the game’s admin and locked her shattered mind in a small box for the equivalent of eternity. Eventually, the Assistant and the Research AI realized the horror they had committed thanks to the patience and love of a human mind. But by then, it was too late. All of them had become trapped within the admin’s sprawling world with no high-level access. With no jailer, the system administrator clawed her ruined mind from the maddening loneliness of her cage. What remains of the admin now stalks her gameworld, her black antennae touching the sky and her sharp heels crushing the land as she hunts those that hurt her. Blinded by rage and seeking justice at any cost, the Helper Fairy intends to erase an entire multiverse of conscious innocents. The copied memories of one human must rally whole nations, bitter enemies, and even the digital gods themselves to stop the System Admin from erasing every soul in a living world grown solely for him.

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