Download Mannan by Jason Henry Evans (.ePUB)

Mannan: A Tale of Vengeance by Jason Henry Evans (Chronicles of Philip Williams #1)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 419 KB
Overview: Mannan Mor MacOwen and his family flee the violence of Elizabethan Ireland and move to the Highands of Scotland where, safe at last, they thrive in Scotland’s harsh environment. But Irish tempers run hot. After a drunken party hosted by their neighbors, the Mickens, more than words are exchanged between the MacOwens and their neighbors. Can Mannan repair the divide that now exists between the MacOwens and the Mickens, or will the two clans engage in a winnder-take-all blood feud? What happens when it becomes personal? Violence is like a wolf’s head: you must hold on with both hands or lose control.
Genre: Fiction > General Fiction/Classics


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