Download Mama Crane’s Cabin Cookbook by Valerie Crane (.ePUB)

Mama Crane’s Cabin Cookbook: Southern Cooking At Its Best From Three Generations of the South by Valerie Crane
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 6.5 MB
Overview: Mama Crane’s Cabin Cookbook is Southern Cooking at its best! Recipes from people like Mama Ki, Mammaw, and Mimi invoke memories of traditions, holidays and even normal week-night cooking from some of the South’s best home cooks. These recipes come from four generations of one family and have been passed down to family and friends for years. These treasured family recipes can now become your own traditional recipes that can be passed down to your family! The recipes are easy to read and include such southern delicacies as Chicken and Dumplings, Macaroni and Cheese, as well as homemade yeast bread recipes from Mama Crane’s grandmother, Mama Ki. Learn how to make not only homemade main dishes, but learn how to make a scratch German Chocolate Cake, which is the favorite of Mama Crane’s four children and thirteen grandchildren, and her oatmeal cookies which may be the most requested cookie recipe that she has. Breads are a favorite of the family, and there are recipes for yeast breads as well as quick breads. Mexican Cornbread and Applesauce Muffins are just two of over two hundred generational recipes that you will be able to make for your family! Come visit Mama Crane’s Cabin and see for yourself why people all over the world love to eat at the cabin!
Genre: Non-Fiction > Food & Drink


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