Download Malta Mirage by Lauren Hart (.ePUB)

Malta Mirage (Passport to Love #4) by Lauren Hart
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 238 KB
Overview: Secrets unveiled; hearts entwined… can a sultry night lead to forever?

In the sizzling embrace of a nightclub, ice queen Theodora Mitchell and happy-go-lucky Isabelle Marziale ignite a passionate connection that leads them to a ravishing one-night stand. Isabelle embodies eccentricity and exuberance, while Theo, born into affluence, exudes an icy reserve. They are the epitome of opposites attract, yet sparks fly, leaving them surrendering to their desires.

With nervous determination, Isabelle proposes an audacious scheme; play the part of her fake girlfriend at her cousin’s wedding in enchanting Malta. Theo, trying to impress her therapist with her carefree decisions, accepts the offer. Little do they know, the island will create the perfect backdrop where passions smolder and secrets simmer.

As the wedding festivities begin, Theo is blindsided by the presence of her long-time crush, Margot, and her girlfriend, Pippa. Izzy, who refuses to be overshadowed, stands by Theo’s side as the perfect lesbian lover. Amid heated trysts, tangled emotions and secrets revealed, their hearts begin to open on the sun-soaked shores of Malta.

As emotions deepen, the lines between what is genuine and what is a charade begin to blur.

Find out if love prevails in this captivating lesbian romance where two women discover that behind the mirage lies a magnetic pull of an unexpected attraction.
Genre: Fiction > Romance FF


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