Download Malice by Stacy Charasidis (.ePUB)

Malice by Stacy Charasidis (A Barrington County Novel #2)
Requirements: .ePUB Reader | 439 kb
Overview: Barrington County has been peaceful for three years, and life for Nathalie and her friends has been magically uneventful.

Then Elanah Von Vixen appears, time twisted from the past to warn Barrington’s town council that the town is dying from a magical disease. When Elanah offers to build a spell to counteract the destructive magic, they gladly accept.

Bewitching, charming, and manipulative, Elanah quickly worms her way into the heart of the townsfolk until her influence over them is absolute.

Only Nathalie and Max suspect her motives, and as they watch their worlds unravel before their eyes, they become desperate for help. They know Elanah has a secret, and that she will resort to any means necessary to keep it…and make it come true.
Genre: Romance Paranormal Fantasy


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