Download Making Waves Box Set by Savannah Verte (.ePUB)

Making Waves Box Set by Savannah Verte (Books #1-4)
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 492 KB
Overview: A lifelong lover of words and reading, Savannah Verte hasn’t quite figured out what she wants to write when she grows up. Born and raised in the upper Midwest, Savannah’s gypsy spirit and never quit attitude keep her busy and seldom idle. For so many reasons, Savannah considers herself a ‘Contemporary Vagabond’ when it comes to writing and hopes that others find her diverse offerings as enjoyable to read as they are to write.
Genre: Fiction > Paranormal Romance


Baiting A Berserker (Making Waves #1): Addian Hevir doesn’t want a mate, he needs one…to save his clan, and himself before the beast within consumes what’s left of his humanity. As a berserker, it’s only a matter of time before one, or both happen. Time is perilously short.
Fynn Barrow has had more than her share of Mr. Wrongs. A strong, independent Mer-woman, she’s not going to be content with just any man. She needs to be wanted by one who can meet her challenges in return. She’s not interested in playing the damsel in distress, or the dutiful housewife, to anyone.
Gerri confidently pairs them, but it only takes one meeting for them both to have doubts. Can two dominant personalities find the balance to come together before others interfere and send one to their death, and the other back to square one? Or, will it take the imminent threat to drive them where they need to be?

Grow Some Gills (Making Waves #2): Sturgeon Barrow is a stubborn Mer with a wild side he doesn’t control. Defiant and difficult, he nearly flees before getting the chance to meet the one meant to tame him. Leave it to Gerri to plant a seed so tempting, he can’t bring himself to resist.
Nera Daren knows who her destined mate is, a Mer with a playboy reputation. She’d had no regrets when she chose to return solo to the black waters without meeting him, but can she stay there? Whispers in the dark shed light on mischief afloat in the waters above her world, forcing her to realize she might care after all.
The water realms hang on the precipice of destruction as inhabitants are mysteriously disappearing. Is there time to come together to consummate their bond, or will it have to wait?
Gerri’s timing is never off…or is it?

Kiss My Splash (Making Waves #3): A Storm is brewing.
There’s good, bad, and everything between in this third installment of Making Waves. Family gets redefined as couples come together with, and without, Gerri’s assistance. The lines between friends, lovers, and what could be forever, blur for more than one of them in the process.
Is happily ever even possible anymore? The water worlds remain in chaos with disappearances still happening, sparking panic and distrust. When a legend goes missing, hopelessness consumes the group. As word of another, more reclusive one’s absence surfaces, their choice to continue or not is decided for them. They are out of time.
Oceanus won’t wait forever to intervene.
The worlds as they know them will never be the same if he does.

No Wake Zone (Making Waves #4): Time is up.
Perhaps that’s a good thing.
Oceanus receives a new package, tipping his fury toward all out destruction as everyone is running in circles, and someone has seen a Sturgeon look-a-like. A new dead end could take them to the right path…but will they see it?
Gerri’s latest pairing, an Elemental Seer and an anxiety-riddled orphan, may hold the key to answer it all, but they are mated just as the storm breaks loose. Can anyone turn back the clock?
There’s only one person who can stop Oceanus’ wrath.
Unfortunately, she is one of the missing.

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